Server Mu EMU Guides – Hướng dẫn chi tiết file trong game

Xin chào các admin Mu online. Hôm nay Mu4viet sẽ hướng dẫn cho các bạn chi tiết các file trong game Mu online. Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu các chỉ số có thể chỉnh sửa được trong từng file của game Mu giúp quản trị game chính xác hơn.
- MuServer Installtion – Cài đặt Muserver
- Client Configuaration – Cài đặt tệp khách hàng (client)
- Hướng dẫn Checksum file bằng GoldShield
- GameServerInfo – Common.ini
- GameServerInfo – Command.ini
- GameServerInfo – Character.ini
- GameServerInfo – Skill.ini
- GameServerInfo – Event.ini
- BonusManager.dat
- InvasionManager.dat
- Mapmanager.xml
- ItemDrop.xml
- ExperienceTable.xml
- Notice.xml
- GameMaster.xml
- ItemOptionRate.txt
- ItemOption.txt
- CustomMonster.xml
- CustomItem.txt
- CustomWing.xml
- CustomWingEffect.txt
- CustomArena.xml
- EventItemBag
- Set tài khoản VIP
- Cài đặt thời gian
- Lệnh cơ bản của server Mu
- Reloading File and Settings
- Cấu hình Công Thành Chiến
- Tạo SubServer
- Kết luận
MuServer Installtion – Cài đặt Muserver
Bước 1: Cài đặt SQL Server 2008 R2
Lưu ý: Cài đặt với tên mặc định là “MSSQLSERVER” Không cài đặt với tên SQLEXPRESS.
Bước 2: Khôi phục cơ sở dữ liệu từ [MuServer/DB/Muonline.bak]
Bước 3: Chạy khoá reg [MuServer/DB/MuOnline64.reg]
Bước 4: Cài đặt serial trong các tệp:
[MuServer/GameServer/DATA/GameServerInfo - Common.dat]
[MuServer/GameServerCS/DATA/GameServerInfo - Common.dat]
Bước 5: Thay đổi IP máy chủ của bạn trong các tệp sau:
Bước 6: Mở các cổng TCP: 44405 (CS), 55901(GS), 55919(GSCS), 55999(GoldShield)
Client Configuaration – Cài đặt tệp khách hàng (client)
1. Tool chỉnh sửa game của Mu4viet có sẵn ở thư mục MuServer.
2. Mở file “MainInfo.ini” trong thư mục “MAIN_INFO” và thay đổi IP của VPS và serial ở mục 1.
Nếu bạn cài đặt ở PC cá nhân, bạn phải sử dụng IP local của bạn.
Để check local IP của bạn: chạy “cmd.exe”, gõ “ipconfig” sau đó copy “IPv4”.
3. Tạo file “main” bằng cách chạy file “GetMainInfo.exe”
4. Copy file “main” vào trong Client game.
1. Mở “ClientInfo.ini” trong thư mục “AH_INFO” – thay đổi IP.
2. Tạo file “GoldShield” bằng cách chạy “GetClientInfo.exe”
3. Copy “GoldShield” vào client của bạn:
Hướng dẫn Checksum file bằng GoldShield
Checksum ngăn chặn việc sửa đổi các tệp khách hàng. Để định cấu hình nó cho các tệp cụ thể, hãy làm theo hướng dẫn:
1. Vào thư mục “GenHackDump”
2. Copy file cần checksum vào thư mục “Checksum” rồi chạy tool “GetHackList.exe”. Tool sẽ tạo ra 2 file Checksum.List.db và Dump.List.db
3. Vào thư mục [MuServer/AntihackGoldShield/Data] và mở “Checksum.List.db” bằng notepad++.
Thêm các mục theo cấu trúc:
Ví dụ:
Ví dụ: Danh sách các tệp được đề xuất để thêm vào:
[main], [GoldShield], [GoldShield.dll], [player.bmd], [item.bmd]
GameServerInfo – Common.ini
Cài đặt khách hàng
Tên khách hàng -> Tên người dùng được sử dụng khi đăng ký.
CustomerHardwareId -> Computer’s HardwareId.
Cài đặt máy chủ
ServerName -> GameServer room name.
ServerCode -> GameServer room code.
ServerLock -> Giá trị cao cấp tối thiểu để truy cập máy chủ.
ServerPort -> Cổng khởi tạo GameServer.
ServerVersion -> Phiên bản Client.
ServerSerial -> Mã seri Client.
ServerMaxUserNumber -> Maximum users on GameServer.
Cài đặt kết nối
DataServerAddress -> Địa chỉ IP kết nối DataServer.
DataServerPort -> Cổng kết nối DataServer.
JoinServerAddress -> Địa chỉ IP kết nối JoinServer.
JoinServerPort -> Cổng kết nối JoinServer.
ConnectServerAddress -> Địa chỉ IP kết nối ConnectServer.
ConnectServerPort -> Cổng kết nối ConnectServer.
Cài đặt Logs
WriteChatLog -> Nhật ký trò chuyện của người dùng (0=Off/1=On).
WriteCommandLog -> Nhật ký lệnh (0=Off/1=On).
WriteTradeLog -> Nhật ký giao dịch (0=Off/1=On).
WriteConnectLog -> Nhật ký hệ thống kết nối (0=Off/1=On).
WriteHackLog -> Nhật ký thông tin hack (0=Off/1=On).
WriteCashShopLog -> Nhật ký CashShop (0=Off/1=On).
WriteChaosMixLog -> Nhật ký ChaosMix (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt Hack
CheckSpeedHack -> Hệ thống kiểm tra tốc độ tấn công (0=Off/1=On).
CheckSpeedHackTolerance -> Khả năng chịu tốc độ tấn công tối đa.
CheckLatencyHack -> Hệ thống kiểm tra độ trễ kết nối (0=Off/1=On).
CheckLatencyHackTolerance -> Dung sai độ trễ tối đa.
CheckAutoPotionHack -> Potion usage check system (0=Off/1=On).
CheckAutoPotionHackTolerance -> Cooldown time between potion use (Miliseconds).
CheckAutoComboHack -> Hệ thống kiểm tra việc sử dụng combo (0=Off/1=On).
CheckAutoComboHackTolerance -> Thời gian hồi chiêu giữa các lần sử dụng combo (Miliseconds.
Cài đặt chung
MaxItemOption -> Sử dụng tối đa Jewel of Life trên các lần lặp lại .
MaxIpConnection -> Số lượng kết nối tối đa với cùng một IP.
PersonalCodeCheck -> Personal Code check (0=Off/1=On).
SetItemAcceptHarmonySwitch -> Set item hỗ trợ Jewel of Harmony (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt Quái vật
MonsterLifeRate -> Tỷ lệ máu cơ bản của quái vật.
MonsterHealthBarSwitch -> Thanh máu của quái vật (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt PK
NonPK -> Trạng thái PvP trong Sub (0=On/1=Off).
PKDownTime1 -> Thời gian cần thiết để giảm trạng thái anh hùng (Giây).
PKDownTime2 -> Thời gian cần thiết để giảm trạng thái pk (Giây).
Cài đặt giao dịch
TradeSwitch -> Trạng thái hệ thống giao dịch (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt cửa hàng cá nhân
PersonalShopSwitch -> Trạng thái hệ thống cửa hàng cá nhân (0=Off/1=On).
PersonalShopMoneyCommisionRate -> Phần trăm zen bị mất trên mỗi giao dịch.
PersonalShopJewelCommisionRate -> Tỷ lệ số trang sức bị mất trên mỗi giao dịch.
Cài đặt quyết đấu
DuelSwitch -> Trạng thái quyết đấu (0=Off/1=On).
DuelArenaAnnounceSwitch -> Thông báo bắt đầu trận đấu (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt Bang hội
GuildCreateSwitch -> Trạng thái tạo Guild (0=Off/1=On).
GuildDeleteSwitch -> Trạng thái xóa Guild (0=Off/1=On).
GuildCreateMinLevel -> Cấp độ tối thiểu cần thiết để tạo guild.
GuildInsertMaxUser1 -> Thành viên guild tối đa.
GuildInsertMaxUser2 -> Thành viên tối đa của guild (Dark Lord Chủ Guild).
GuildAllianceMinUser -> Thành viên guild tối thiểu cần có để tạo liên minh.
GuildAllianceMaxCount -> Số lượng tối đa của guild trong một liên minh.
GuildOwnerDestroyLimit -> Bang hội chủ sở hữu CastleSiege xóa trạng thái (0=Off/1=On).
Cài đặt Elf Buffer
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL0 -> Cấp tối đa để nhận được buff (Miễn phí).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL1 -> Cấp độ tối đa để nhận được buff (Vip1).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL2 -> Cấp độ tối đa để nhận được buff (Vip2).
ElfBufferMaxLevel_AL3 -> Cấp độ tối đa để nhận được buff (Vip3).
ElfBufferDamageConstA -> Hằng số công thức tăng sát thương.
ElfBufferDamageConstB -> Hằng số công thức tăng sát thương.
ElfBufferDefenseConstA -> Hằng số công thức tăng phòng thủ.
ElfBufferDefenseConstB -> Hằng số công thức tăng phòng thủ.
# FORMULA = (ElfBufferDamageConstA+(PlayerLevel/ElfBufferDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (ElfBufferDefenseConstA+(PlayerLevel/ElfBufferDefenseConstB)) #
Cài đặt kinh nghiệm
AddExperienceRate_AL0 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm cơ bản (Miễn phí).
AddExperienceRate_AL1 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm cơ bản (Vip1).
AddExperienceRate_AL2 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm cơ bản (Vip2).
AddExperienceRate_AL3 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm cơ bản (Vip3).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL0 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm chính cơ bản (Miễn phí).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL1 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm chính cơ bản (Vip1).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL2 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm chính cơ bản (Vip2).
AddMasterExperienceRate_AL3 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm chính cơ bản (Vip3).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL0 -> Cấp độ quái vật tối thiểu để mang lại kinh nghiệm chính (Miễn phí).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL1 -> Cấp độ quái vật tối thiểu để mang lại kinh nghiệm chính (Vip1).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL2 -> Cấp độ quái vật tối thiểu để mang lại kinh nghiệm chính (Vip1).
MinMasterExperienceMonsterLevel_AL3 -> Cấp độ quái vật tối thiểu để mang lại kinh nghiệm chính (Vip1).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL0 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm sự kiện cơ bản (Vip miễn phí).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL1 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm sự kiện cơ bản (Vip1).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL2 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm sự kiện cơ bản (Vip2).
AddEventExperienceRate_AL3 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm sự kiện cơ bản (Vip3).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL0 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm nhiệm vụ cơ bản (Miễn phí).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL1 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm nhiệm vụ cơ bản (Vip1).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL2 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm nhiệm vụ cơ bản (Vip2).
AddQuestExperienceRate_AL3 -> Hệ số kinh nghiệm nhiệm vụ cơ bản (Vip3).
Cài đặt tỉ lệ rơi đồ
ItemDropTime -> Thời gian để các vật phẩm biến mất trên mặt đất.
ItemDropRate_AL0 -> Tỉ lệ rơi vật phẩm từ quái vật (Miễn phí).
ItemDropRate_AL1 -> Tỉ lệ rơi vật phẩm từ quái vật (Vip 1).
ItemDropRate_AL2 -> Tỉ lệ rơi vật phẩm từ quái vật (Vip 2).
ItemDropRate_AL3 -> Tỉ lệ rơi vật phẩm từ quái vật (Vip 3).
Cài đặt tỉ lệ rơi zen
MoneyDropTime -> Thời gian để biến mất trên mặt đất.
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL0 -> Phần trăm Zen sẽ giảm từ quái vật (Miễn phí).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ Zen sẽ rơi từ quái vật (Vip1).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ Zen sẽ rơi từ quái vật (Vip2).
MoneyAmountDropRate_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ Zen sẽ rơi từ quái vật (Vip3).
Cài đặt độ bền
WeaponDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của vũ khí.
ArmorDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của giáp.
WingDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của cánh.
GuardianDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của Guardian.
PendantDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của dây chuyền.
RingDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của nhẫn.
PetDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của vật nuôi Dark Lord.
MuunDurabilityRate -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm giảm độ bền của Muun.
Trade Item Block Settings
TradeItemBlock -> Trạng thái giao dịch (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
TradeItemBlockExc -> Chặn các vật phẩm exc khi giao dịch (0 = Không / 1 = Có).
TradeItemBlockSet -> Chặn các giao dịch đồ thần (0 = Không / 1 = Có).
TradeItemBlockHarmony -> Chặn giao dịch khi khảm dòng vàng (0=No/1=Yes).
TradeItemBlockSell -> Không thể bán các vật phẩm bị chặn giao dịch (0 = Không / 1 = Có).
Level Up Settings
MaxLevelUp -> Số cấp độ tối đa có thể đạt được cùng một lúc.
MaxLevelUpEvent -> Số cấp tối đa có thể đạt được cùng một lúc với sự kiện.
MaxLevelUpQuest -> Số cấp độ tối đa có thể nhận được cùng một lúc với kinh nghiệm nhiệm vụ.
MaxStatPoint_AL0 -> Điểm chỉ số tối đa cho phép (Miễn phí).
MaxStatPoint_AL1 -> Điểm chỉ số tối đa cho phép (Vip1).
MaxStatPoint_AL2 -> Điểm chỉ số tối đa cho phép (Vip2).
MaxStatPoint_AL3 -> Điểm chỉ số tối đa cho phép (Vip3).
DWLevelUpPoint -> Điểm do Dark Wizard nhận được mỗi cấp.
DKLevelUpPoint -> Điểm nhận được của DK mỗi cấp.
FELevelUpPoint -> Fairy Elf nhận được điểm mỗi cấp.
MGLevelUpPoint -> Điểm nhận được bởi Magic Gladiator mỗi cấp.
DLLevelUpPoint -> Điểm nhận được của Chúa mỗi cấp.
SULevelUpPoint -> Summoner nhận được điểm mỗi cấp.
RFLevelUpPoint -> Điểm nhận được bởi Rage Fighter mỗi cấp.
PlusStatPoint -> Điểm thưởng nhận được mỗi cấp sau khi thực hiện nhiệm vụ Marlon.
Create Character Settings
CharacterCreateSwitch -> Trạng thái tạo nhân vật (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
MGCreateType -> Chế độ tạo Magic Gladiator (0 = Level / 1 = Card).
DLCreateType -> Chế độ tạo Chúa tể Hắc ám (0 = Cấp / 1 = Thẻ).
SUCreateType -> Chế độ tạo Summoner (0 = Level / 1 = Card).
RFCreateType -> Chế độ tạo Rage Fighter (0 = Level / 1 = Card).
MGCreateLevel_AL0 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Magic Gladiator (Miễn phí).
MGCreateLevel_AL1 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Magic Gladiator (Vip1).
MGCreateLevel_AL2 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Magic Gladiator (Vip2).
MGCreateLevel_AL3 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Magic Gladiator (Vip3).
DLCreateLevel_AL0 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Dark Lord (Miễn phí).
DLCreateLevel_AL1 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Dark Lord (Vip1).
DLCreateLevel_AL2 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Dark Lord (Vip2).
DLCreateLevel_AL3 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Dark Lord (Vip3).
SUCreateLevel_AL0 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Triệu hồi sư (Miễn phí).
SUCreateLevel_AL1 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Triệu hồi sư (Vip1).
SUCreateLevel_AL2 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Triệu hồi sư (Vip2).
SUCreateLevel_AL3 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Triệu hồi sư (Vip3).
RFCreateLevel_AL0 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Rage Fighter (Miễn phí).
RFCreateLevel_AL1 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Rage Fighter (Vip1).
RFCreateLevel_AL2 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Rage Fighter (Vip2).
RFCreateLevel_AL3 -> Yêu cầu cấp độ tối thiểu để tạo Rage Fighter (Vip3).
Shield Gauge Settings
ShieldGaugeRate -> Phần trăm sát thương gây ra cho Shield Gauge trong PvP.
ShieldGaugeConstA -> Công thức lượng Shield Gauge không đổi.
ShieldGaugeConstB -> Công thức lượng Shield Gauge không đổi.
ShieldGaugeAttackRate -> Công thức tỷ lệ tấn công thành công của Shield Gauge không đổi.
ShieldGaugeAttackComboMiss -> Combo bỏ lỡ nếu bất kỳ phép nào của nó cũng trượt (0 = Không / 1 = Có).
Master Skill Tree Settings
MasterSkillTree -> Master Skill Tree system state (0=Off/1=On).
MasterSkillTreePoint -> Điểm chính nhận được mỗi cấp độ.
MasterSkillTreeMaxLevel -> Cấp độ master tối đa.
Gens System Settings
GensSystemSwitch -> Trạng thái hệ thống Gens (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
GensSystemGuildLock -> Cho phép người chơi từ các thị tộc khác nhau vào guild (0 = Yes / 1 = No).
GensSystemPartyLock -> Cho phép người chơi từ các thị tộc khác nhau tham gia nhóm (0 = Có / 1 = Không).
GensSystemInsertMinLevel -> Cấp độ tối thiểu để tham gia thị tộc. GensSystemContributionFloodTime -> Khoảng thời gian mà một thành viên gens bị giết sẽ không tính điểm cho cùng một kẻ giết người (Giây).
GensSystemVictimContributionDecrease -> Điểm trung bình bị mất khi chết.
GensSystemKillerContributionIncrease -> Điểm trung bình giành được khi giết.
GensSystemVictimMinContributionDecrease -> Mất điểm tối thiểu khi chết.
GensSystemVictimMaxContributionDecrease -> Số điểm tối đa bị mất khi chết.
GensSystemKillerMinContributionIncrease -> Số điểm tối thiểu giành được khi giết.
GensSystemKillerMaxContributionIncrease -> Số điểm tối đa giành được khi giết.
GensSystemStartRewardDay -> Ngày bắt đầu thời gian nhận thưởng.
GensSystemFinalRewardDay -> Thời gian nhận thưởng vào ngày cuối cùng.
Helper Settings
HelperSwitch -> Helper system state (0=Off/1=On).
HelperActiveLevel -> Min level to use helper.
HelperActiveDelay -> Time between helper payment (Seconds).
HelperActiveMoney1 -> Money taken each payment on stage 1.
HelperActiveMoney2 -> Money taken each payment on stage 2.
HelperActiveMoney3 -> Money taken each payment on stage 3.
HelperActiveMoney4 -> Money taken each payment on stage 4.
HelperActiveMoney5 -> Money taken each payment on stage 5.
Cash Shop Settings
CashShopSwitch -> Trạng thái hệ thống CashShop (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
CashShopScriptVersion1 -> Phiên bản tập lệnh CashShop.
CashShopScriptVersion2 -> Phiên bản tập lệnh CashShop.
CashShopScriptVersion3 -> Phiên bản tập lệnh CashShop.
CashShopBannerVersion1 -> Phiên bản banner của CashShop.
CashShopBannerVersion2 -> Phiên bản banner của CashShop.
CashShopBannerVersion3 -> Phiên bản banner của CashShop.
CashShopGoblinPointDelay -> Thời gian trực tuyến cần thiết để nhận được Điểm Goblin (Phút).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL0 -> Số lượng Điểm yêu tinh nhận được (Miễn phí).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL1 -> Số điểm Goblin nhận được (Vip1).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL2 -> Số điểm Goblin nhận được (Vip2).
CashShopGoblinPointValue_AL3 -> Số điểm Goblin nhận được (Vip3).
Event Inventory Settings
EventInventorySwitch -> EventInventory system state (0=Off/1=On).
EventInventoryExpireYear -> EventInventory expiration year.
EventInventoryExpireMonth -> EventInventory expiration month.
EventInventoryExpireDay -> EventInventory expiration day.
Mu Rummy Settings
MuRummySwitch -> Trạng thái hệ thống MuRummy (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
MuRummyRewardScore1 -> Điểm yêu cầu để giành được phần thưởng 1.
MuRummyRewardScore2 -> Điểm cần thiết để giành được phần thưởng 2.
MuRummyRewardMoneyAmount -> Số tiền thưởng Zen.
Cài đặt party
PartyReconnectTime -> Thời gian kết nối lại tối đa.
PartyGeneralExperience1 -> Phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được trên 1 nhóm người dùng mà không có lớp khác nhau.
PartyGeneralExperience2 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được trên 2 người dùng bên không có lớp khác nhau.
PartyGeneralExperience3 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được từ bên 3 người dùng mà không có đẳng cấp khác nhau.
PartyGeneralExperience4 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được từ nhóm 4 người dùng mà không có đẳng cấp khác nhau.
PartyGeneralExperience5 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm có được từ nhóm 5 người dùng mà không phân biệt giai cấp.
PartySpecialExperience1 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được trên 1 nhóm người dùng có đẳng cấp khác nhau.
PartySpecialExperience2 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được trên 2 người dùng thuộc nhóm khác nhau.
PartySpecialExperience3 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được từ nhóm 3 người dùng với các tầng lớp khác nhau.
PartySpecialExperience4 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm có được từ nhóm 4 người dùng với các tầng lớp khác nhau.
PartySpecialExperience5 -> Tỷ lệ phần trăm trải nghiệm nhận được từ nhóm 5 người dùng với các tầng lớp khác nhau.
Potion Settings
ApplePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Apple.
SmallLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Small Life Potion.
MidleLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Midle Life Potion.
LargeLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Large Life Potion.
SmallManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Small Mana Potion.
MidleManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Midle Mana Potion.
LargeManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Large Mana Potion.
SmallShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Small Shield Potion.
MidleShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Midle Shield Potion.
LargeShieldPotionRate ->Percentage of shield recovered by Large Shield Potion.
SmallCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Small Compound Potion.
SmallCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Small Compound Potion.
MidleCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Midle Compound Potion.
MidleCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Midle Compound Potion.
LargeCompoundPotionRate1 -> Percentage of life recovered by Large Compound Potion.
LargeCompoundPotionRate2 -> Percentage of shield recovered by Large Compound Potion.
EliteLifePotionRate -> Percentage of life recovered by Elite Life Potion.
EliteManaPotionRate -> Percentage of mana recovered by Elite Mana Potion.
EliteShieldPotionRate -> Percentage of shield recovered by Elite Shield Potion.
Transformation Ring Settings
TransformationRing1 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing2 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing3 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing4 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing5 -> Transformation monster number.
TransformationRing6 -> Transformation monster number.
Jewel Settings
SoulSuccessRate_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Soul (Miễn phí).
SoulSuccessRate_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Soul (Vip1).
SoulSuccessRate_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Soul (Vip2).
SoulSuccessRate_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Soul (Vip3).
LifeSuccessRate_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Life (Miễn phí).
LifeSuccessRate_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Life (Vip1).
LifeSuccessRate_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Life (Vip2).
LifeSuccessRate_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Life (Vip3).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Harmony (Miễn phí).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Harmony (Vip1).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Harmony (Vip2).
HarmonySuccessRate_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Jewel of Harmony (Vip3).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone (Miễn phí).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone (Vip1).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone (Vip2).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate1_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone (Vip3).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone trên các vật phẩm xuất sắc (Miễn phí).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone trên các vật phẩm xuất sắc (Vip1).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone trên các vật phẩm xuất sắc (Vip2).
SmeltStoneSuccessRate2_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công của Smelt Stone trên các vật phẩm xuất sắc (Vip3).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ thành công phần thưởng may mắn (Miễn phí).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ thành công phần thưởng may mắn (Vip1).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ phần thưởng may mắn thành công (Vip2).
AddLuckSuccessRate1_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ thành công phần thưởng may mắn (Vip3).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL0 -> Tỷ lệ phần thưởng may mắn thành công trên Chaos Machine (Miễn phí).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL1 -> Tỷ lệ phần thưởng may mắn thành công trên Máy hỗn loạn (Vip1).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL2 -> Tỷ lệ phần thưởng may mắn thành công trên Máy hỗn loạn (Vip2).
AddLuckSuccessRate2_AL3 -> Tỷ lệ phần thưởng may mắn thành công trên Chaos Machine (Vip3).
Fruit Settings
FruitAddPointMin -> Min points increased by fruit.
FruitAddPointMax -> Max points increased by fruit.
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL0 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Free).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL1 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip1).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL2 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip2).
FruitAddPointSuccessRate_AL3 -> Fruit increase point success rate (Vip3).
FruitSubPointMin -> Min points decreased by fruit.
FruitSubPointMax -> Max points decreased by fruit.
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL0 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Free).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL1 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip1).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL2 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip2).
FruitSubPointSuccessRate_AL3 -> Fruit decrease point success rate (Vip3).
GameServerInfo – Command.ini
Post Command Settings
CommandPostType -> “/ post” màu thông báo / 0 = Vàng / 1 = Xanh lam / 2 = Xanh lục / 3 = Trắng / 4 = Vàng (TOÀN CẦU) / 5 = Xanh lam (TOÀN CẦU) / 6 = Xanh lục (TOÀN CẦU) / 7 = Trắng (TOÀN CẦU)
CommandPostShowServerName -> 0 = Không hiện Sub / 1 = Hiện sub người post
; Lệnh rửa tội Zen/ 1 mạng (Lệnh: 7)
CommandPKClearMoney_AL0 -> (Free)
CommandPKClearMoney_AL1 -> (Vip1)
CommandPKClearMoney_AL2 -> (Vip2)
CommandPKClearMoney_AL3 -> (Vip3)
Add Point Command Settings
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL1 -> Trạng thái sử dụng “/ thêm tự động” (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL2 -> Trạng thái sử dụng “/ thêm tự động” (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
CommandAddPointAutoEnable_AL3 -> Trạng thái sử dụng “/ thêm tự động” (0 = Tắt / 1 = Bật).
; Tẩy điểm mệnh Lệnh DL
; 0: Không cho tẩy Mệnh Lệnh
; 1: Cho tẩy Mệnh Lệnh
ReAddLeadership = 0
; Tẩy điểm sẽ chọn lại nhân vật (nên sử dụng tránh Bug máu DK)
; 0: Không chọn lại nhân vật
; 1: Phải chọn lại nhân vật
ReAddSelectCharacter = 0
Change Command Settings
CommandChangeLimit_AL0 -> Max evolution (Free).
CommandChangeLimit_AL1 -> Max evolution (Vip1).
CommandChangeLimit_AL2 -> Max evolution (Vip2).
CommandChangeLimit_AL3 -> Max evolution (Vip3).
Ware Command Settings
CommandWareNumber_AL0 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Free).
CommandWareNumber_AL1 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip1).
CommandWareNumber_AL2 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip2).
CommandWareNumber_AL3 -> Max avaliable warehouses (Vip3).
; Reset Command Settings
; CommandResetType = 0 : Keep Point, reset không nhận point
; CommandResetType = 1 : Tẩy point đã cộng, Config bảng reset Sub-1/Data/Ultil/ResetTable.xml
; CommandResetType = 2 : Keep point (Giữ nguyên point đã cộng), Point nhận được mỗi reset theo bảng Sub-1/Data/Ultil/ResetTable.xml
CommandResetType = 2
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL0 -> “/reset auto” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL1 -> “/reset auto” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL2 -> “/reset auto” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetAutoEnable_AL3 -> “/reset auto” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL0 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL1 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL2 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetCheckItem_AL3 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL0 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL1 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL2 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetMove_AL3 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL0 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL1 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL2 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetQuest_AL3 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL0 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL1 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL2 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetSkill_AL3 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandResetLevel_AL0 -> Required level to use “/reset” (Free).
CommandResetLevel_AL1 -> Required level to use “/reset” (Vip1).
CommandResetLevel_AL2 -> Required level to use “/reset” (Vip2).
CommandResetLevel_AL3 -> Required level to use “/reset” (Vip3).
CommandResetMoney_AL0 -> Required money to use “/reset” (Free).
CommandResetMoney_AL1 -> Required money to use “/reset” (Vip1).
CommandResetMoney_AL2 -> Required money to use “/reset” (Vip2).
CommandResetMoney_AL3 -> Required money to use “/reset” (Vip3).
CommandResetCount_AL0 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing “/reset” (Free).
CommandResetCount_AL1 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing “/reset” (Vip1).
CommandResetCount_AL2 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing “/reset” (Vip2).
CommandResetCount_AL3 -> Amount of resets gain utilizing “/reset” (Vip3).
CommandResetLimit_AL0 -> Maximum resets (Free).
CommandResetLimit_AL1 -> Maximum resets (Vip1).
CommandResetLimit_AL2 -> Maximum resets (Vip2).
CommandResetLimit_AL3 -> Maximum resets (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL0 -> Maximum resets per day (Free).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL1 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL2 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitDay_AL3 -> Maximum resets per day (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL0 -> Maximum resets per week (Free).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL1 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL2 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitWek_AL3 -> Maximum resets per week (Vip3).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL0 -> Maximum resets per month (Free).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL1 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip1).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL2 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip2).
CommandResetLimitMon_AL3 -> Maximum resets per month (Vip3).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL0 -> Character level after utilizing “/reset” (Free).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL1 -> Character level after utilizing “/reset” (Vip1).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL2 -> Character level after utilizing “/reset” (Vip2).
CommandResetStartLevel_AL3 -> Character level after utilizing “/reset” (Vip3).
CommandResetPoint_AL0 -> Amount of points gain (Free).
CommandResetPoint_AL1 -> Amount of points gain (Vip1).
CommandResetPoint_AL2 -> Amount of points gain (Vip2).
CommandResetPoint_AL3 -> Amount of points gain (Vip3).
CommandResetPointRateDW -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Wizard).
CommandResetPointRateDK -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Knight).
CommandResetPointRateFE -> Percentage of points gain (Fairy Elf).
CommandResetPointRateMG -> Percentage of points gain (Magic Gladiator).
CommandResetPointRateDL -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Lord).
CommandResetPointRateSU -> Percentage of points gain (Summoner).
CommandResetPointRateRF -> Percentage of points gain (Rage Fighter).
Master Reset Command Settings
CommandMasterResetSwitch -> “/mreset” command state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandMasterResetType -> “/mreset” utilization mode (0=Keep Points/1=Reset Points).
CommandMasterResetEnable_AL0 -> “/mreset” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandMasterResetEnable_AL1 -> “/mreset” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandMasterResetEnable_AL2 -> “/mreset” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandMasterResetEnable_AL3 -> “/mreset” utilization state (0=Off/1=On).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL0 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL1 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL2 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetCheckItem_AL3 -> Check equipped items (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL0 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL1 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL2 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetMove_AL3 -> Move character to safe zone (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL0 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL1 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL2 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetQuest_AL3 -> Clear character quests (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL0 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL1 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL2 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetSkill_AL3 -> Clear character skills (0=No/1=Yes).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL0 -> Required level to use “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL1 -> Required level to use “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL2 -> Required level to use “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLevel_AL3 -> Required level to use “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL0 -> Required reset to use “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL1 -> Required reset to use “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL2 -> Required reset to use “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetReset_AL3 -> Required reset to use “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL0 -> Required money to use “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL1 -> Required money to use “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL2 -> Required money to use “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetMoney_AL3 -> Required money to use “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL0 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL1 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL2 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetCount_AL3 -> Amount of master resets gain utilizing “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL0 -> Maximum master resets (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL1 -> Maximum master resets (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL2 -> Maximum master resets (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimit_AL3 -> Maximum master resets (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per day (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitDay_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per day (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per week (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitWek_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per week (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL0 -> Maximum master resets per month (Free).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL1 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL2 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetLimitMon_AL3 -> Maximum master resets per month (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL0 -> Character level after utilizing “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL1 -> Character level after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL2 -> Character level after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetStartLevel_AL3 -> Character level after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL0 -> Character reset after utilizing “/mreset” (Free).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL1 -> Character reset after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL2 -> Character reset after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetStartReset_AL3 -> Character reset after utilizing “/mreset” (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL0 -> Amount of points gain (Free).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL1 -> Amount of points gain (Vip1).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL2 -> Amount of points gain (Vip2).
CommandMasterResetPoint_AL3 -> Amount of points gain (Vip3).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDW -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Wizard).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDK -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Knight).
CommandMasterResetPointRateFE -> Percentage of points gain (Fairy Elf).
CommandMasterResetPointRateMG -> Percentage of points gain (Magic Gladiator).
CommandMasterResetPointRateDL -> Percentage of points gain (Dark Lord).
CommandMasterResetPointRateSU -> Percentage of points gain (Summoner).
CommandMasterResetPointRateRF -> Percentage of points gain (Rage Fighter).
; Marry Command Settings – Cài đặt lệnh cưới /marry
CommandMarryLevel = 250 //LV để sử dụng lệnh
CommandMarryCost = 2000000 //Zen cần thiết để sử dụng lệnh kết hôn
CommandMarryNoticeDelay = 60 //Thời gian giữa 2 lần sử dụng lệnh
CommandMarryMinTime = 604800 //Thời gian ly hôn tối thiểu (giây)
CommandMarryOnlyGM = 0 //Chỉ GM mới có thể sử dụng lệnh
; Command Open WareHouse
CommandOpenWareOnlySafeZone = 1
; Command Change Class
CommandChangeClassToDW = 1
CommandChangeClassToDK = 1
CommandChangeClassToELF = 1
CommandChangeClassToMG = 1
CommandChangeClassToDL = 1
CommandChangeClassToSU = 1
CommandChangeClassToRF = 1
; Reward Command Settings
CommandRewardMaxType = 3
CommandRewardMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardType1Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Cash(s)!
CommandRewardType2Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d Gold(s)!
CommandRewardType3Text = [%s] %s foi prêmiado com %d PcPoint(s)!
; RewardAll Command Settings
CommandRewardAllMaxType = 3
CommandRewardAllMaxValue = 100
CommandRewardAllType1Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Cash(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType2Text = [%s] Adicionado %d Gold(s) para todos!
CommandRewardAllType3Text = [%s] Adicionado %d PcPoint(s) para todos!
; Command Rename (Premium)
CommandRenameDelay_AL0 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL1 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL2 = 60
CommandRenameDelay_AL3 = 60
CommandRenameNeedTicket = 0
; Gift Command Settings (/presente)
; Dropa um item da EventItemBag Gift!
CommandGiftLimit = 5
; Command Help (/help)
; Recommended Max 5 monsters
CommandHelpMonsterIndex = 151
CommandHelpMonsterAmount = 3
; Command Master to Coin (/mastertocoin) (lệnh: 85)
; Tiền nhận được
MasterToWCoinC = 0
MasterToWCoinP = 0
MasterToGoblinPoint = 1000
; Điểm Master cần để đổi
CommandMasterToCoinLevel = 400
; Điểm Master sau khi đổi
CommandGoblinStartLevel = 0
; Command Master to Point (/mastertopoint) (lệnh: 86)
; Point nhận được
CommandMasterToPoint = 3000
; Điểm Master cần để đổi
CommandMasterToPointMasterLevel = 400
; Điểm Master sau khi đổi
CommandMasterToPointStartLevel = 0
; Command Reset to Point (/doibox) (lệnh: 87)
; Đổi reset sang Point hoặc đồ
; Tiền nhận được khi đổi reset
ResetToWCoinC = 0
ResetToWCoinP = 0
ResetToGoblinPoint = 0
; Đồ nhận được
DoiResetType = 14
DoiResetIndex = 13
DoiResetLevel = 0
; Reset cần để đổi
CommandDoiReset_reset = 20
; Poin sau khi đổi reset
CommandDoiResetPoint = 5000
; Command war guild (/war) (lệnh: 23)
; Điểm số để dành chiến thắng trong war guild (đánh chủ guild 2 điểm, mem 1 điểm)
WarGuildMaxScore = 100
; Command đá bóng Guild (/soccer) (lệnh: 24)
; Điểm số để dành chiến thắng trong đá bóng
SoccerGuildMaxScore = 100
GameServerInfo – Character.ini
Character Damage Rate Settings
DuelDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in duel.
GensDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Gens.
ChaosCastleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle.
IllusionTempleDamageRate -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple.
CastleSiegeDamageRate1 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players.
CastleSiegeDamageRate2 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild.
CastleSiegeDamageRate3 -> damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege doors and statues.
GeneralDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvP.
GeneralDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total damage that will be caused in PvE.
ReflectDamageRatePvP -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvP.
ReflectDamageRatePvM -> Percentage reflected damage that will be caused in PvE.
Character Class Damage Rate Settings
DWDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP.
DKDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP.
FEDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvP.
MGDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP.
DLDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP.
SUDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvP.
RFDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvP.
DWDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE.
DKDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvE.
FEDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf in PvE.
MGDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE.
DLDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE.
SUDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by the Summoner in PvE.
RFDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter in PvE.
Character Class X Class Damage Rate Settings
DWDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DWs.
DWDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DKs.
DWDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against AGs.
DWDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against MGs.
DWDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against DLs.
DWDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against SUs.
DWDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Wizard against RFs.
DKDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs.
DKDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs.
DKDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs.
DKDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs.
DKDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs.
DKDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs.
DKDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs.
FEDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DWs.
FEDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DKs.
FEDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against AGs.
FEDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against MGs.
FEDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against DLs.
FEDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against SUs.
FEDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Fairy Elf against RFs.
MGDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs.
MGDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs.
MGDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs.
MGDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs.
MGDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs.
MGDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs.
MGDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs.
DLDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs.
DLDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs.
DLDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs.
DLDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs.
DLDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs.
DLDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs.
DLDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs.
SUDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DWs.
SUDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DKs.
SUDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against AGs.
SUDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against MGs.
SUDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against DLs.
SUDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against SUs.
SUDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Summoner against RFs.
RFDamageRateToDW -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DWs.
RFDamageRateToDK -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DKs.
RFDamageRateToFE -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against AGs.
RFDamageRateToMG -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against MGs.
RFDamageRateToDL -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against DLs.
RFDamageRateToSU -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against SUs.
RFDamageRateToRF -> Percentage of damage caused by Rage Fighter against RFs.
Character Stuck Rate Settings
DWDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
DKDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
FEDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
MGDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
DLDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
SUDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
RFDamageStuckRate -> Character chance to take Percentage stuck to taking damage.
Character Damage Multiplier Settings
DKDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Knight damage multiplier.
DLDamageMultiplierConstA -> Energy divider of the Dark Lord damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstA -> Dexterity divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstB -> Vitality divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
RFDamageMultiplierConstC -> Energy divider of the Rage Fighter damage multiplier.
Character Dark Spirit Settings
DarkSpiritRangeAttackRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage carry out an attack in the area.
DarkSpiritCriticalDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage perform a critical attack.
DarkSpiritExcellentDamageRate -> Dark Spirit chance Percentage doing an excellent attack.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum damage of the Dark Spirit.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstB -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstC -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstD -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Spirit attack speed.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Dark Spirit attack.
# FORMULA = (DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstA+(DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstB)+(PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackDamageMinConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstA+(DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstB)+(PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackDamageMaxConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstA+((DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstB)/DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstC)+(PlayerLeadership/DarkSpiritAttackSpeedConstD)) #
# FORMULA = (DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstA+((DarkSpiritLevel*DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstB)/DarkSpiritAttackSuccessRateConstC)) #
Character Dark Horse Settings
DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation.
DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB -> Constant formula of the Dark Horse damage reduction calculation.
# FORMULA = ((DarkHorseDamageReductionConstA DarkHorseLevel +) / DarkHorseDamageReductionConstB) #
Character Combo Skill Damage Settings
ComboDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
ComboDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional Combo damage.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerStrength + PlayerDexterity PlayerEnergy +) / ComboDamageConstA) * ComboDamageConstB) #
Character Skill Earthquake Damage Settings
EarthquakeDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
EarthquakeDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
EarthquakeDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of Earthquake magic.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/EarthquakeDamageConstA)+(PlayerLeadership/EarthquakeDamageConstB)+(DarkHorseLevel*EarthquakeDamageConstC)) #
Character Electric Spark Skill Damage Settings
ElectricSparkDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark.
ElectricSparkDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of magic Electric Spark.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLeadership / ElectricSparkDamageConstA) + ElectricSparkDamageConstB) #
Character Dark Lord Skill Damage Settings
DLSkillDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord.
DLSkillDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage of the spells of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLSkillDamageConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLSkillDamageConstB)) #
New Character Skill Damage Settings
NovaDamageConstA -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
NovaDamageConstB -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
NovaDamageConstC -> Constant formula of calculating the additional damage the new magic.
# FORMULA = ((NovaDamageConstA * (* NovaCount NovaDamageConstB)) + (PlayerStrength / NovaDamageConstC)) #
Character HP Recovery Settings
DWHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Wizard).
DKHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Knight).
FEHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Fairy Elf).
MGHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Magic Gladiator).
DLHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Dark Lord).
SUHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Summoner).
RFHPRecoveryRate -> HP periodic recovery percentage (Rage Fighter).
Character MP Recovery Settings
DWMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Wizard).
DKMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Knight).
FEMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Fairy Elf).
MGMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery of MP (Magic Gladiator).
DLMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Dark Lord).
SUMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Summoner).
RFMPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery MP (Rage Fighter).
Character BP Recovery Settings
DWBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Wizard).
DKBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Knight).
FEBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP (Fairy Elf).
MGBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Magic Gladiator).
DLBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Dark Lord).
SUBPRecoveryRate -> periodic recovery Percentage of BP (Summoner).
RFBPRecoveryRate -> Percentage of periodic recovery BP (Rage Fighter).
Character SD Recovery Settings
DWSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Wizard).
DKSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Knight).
FESDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Fairy Elf).
MGSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Magic Gladiator).
DLSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Dark Lord).
SUSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Summoner).
RFSDRecoveryRate -> SD periodic recovery percentage (Rage Fighter).
Character Skill Plasma Storm Damage Settings
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
DWPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/DWPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
DKPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/DKPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
FEPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant magic damage calculation formula Plasma Storm Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/FEPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
MGPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/MGPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
DLPlasmaStormDamageConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstD)+(PlayerLeadership/DLPlasmaStormDamageConstE)) #
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
SUPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage the Plasma Storm Summoner magic.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/SUPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
RFPlasmaStormDamageConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the damage from the spell Plasma Storm Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstA)+(PlayerDexterity/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstB)+(PlayerVitality/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstC)+(PlayerEnergy/RFPlasmaStormDamageConstD)) #
Character Damage Settings
DWPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Dark Wizard.
DWMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DWPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
DKPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Knight.
DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Knight.
DKMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Knight.
DKMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DKMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
FEPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB -> Constant minimum physical damage calculation formula with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf.
FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage with bow Fairy Elf.
FEMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Fairy Elf.
FEMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / FEPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / FEPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMinBowConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiDamageMaxBowConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / FEMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
MGPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator.
MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Magic Gladiator.
MGMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage Magic Gladiator.
MGMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magical damage Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / MGMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
DLPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DLMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
SUPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of the Summoner.
SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Summoner.
SUMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage the Summoner.
SUMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage the Summoner.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / SUPhysiDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength PlayerDexterity +) / SUPhysiDamageMaxConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
RFPhysiDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum physical damage of Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter.
RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum physical damage Rage Fighter.
RFMagicDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum magic damage of Rage Fighter.
RFMagicDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum magic damage of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFPhysiDamageMaxConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / RFMagicDamageMaxConstA) #
Character Attack Success Rate Settings
DWAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
DWAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Wizard attacks.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DWAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*DWAttackSuccessRateConstB)/DWAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/DWAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
DKAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
DKAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DKAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*DKAttackSuccessRateConstB)/DKAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/DKAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
FEAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
FEAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Fairy Elf attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*FEAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*FEAttackSuccessRateConstB)/FEAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/FEAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
MGAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
MGAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Magic Gladiator attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*MGAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*MGAttackSuccessRateConstB)/MGAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/MGAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
DLAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
DLAttackSuccessRateConstE -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Lord attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DLAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*DLAttackSuccessRateConstB)/DLAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/DLAttackSuccessRateConstD)+(PlayerLeadership/DLAttackSuccessRateConstE)) #
SUAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
SUAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Summoner attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*SUAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*SUAttackSuccessRateConstB)/SUAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/SUAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
RFAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of Rage Fighter attack.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*RFAttackSuccessRateConstA)+((PlayerDexterity*RFAttackSuccessRateConstB)/RFAttackSuccessRateConstC)+(PlayerStrength/RFAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
Character Attack Success Rate PvP Settings
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/DWAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of the Dark Knight PvP attack.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/DKAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/FEAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/MGAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/DLAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP attack the Summoner.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/SUAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Rage Fighter attack.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstA)/RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstC)/RFAttackSuccessRatePvPConstD)) #
Character Speed Settings
DWPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed.
DWMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Wizard attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWMagicSpeedConstA) #
DKPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed.
DKMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Dark Knight attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKMagicSpeedConstA) #
FEPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed.
FEMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Fairy Elf attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEMagicSpeedConstA) #
MGPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed.
MGMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Magic Gladiator attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGMagicSpeedConstA) #
DLPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord.
DLMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant formula calculating the attack speed of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLMagicSpeedConstA) #
SUPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed.
SUMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of the Summoner attack speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUMagicSpeedConstA) #
RFPhysiSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed.
RFMagicSpeedConstA -> Constant calculation formula of Rage Fighter Attack Speed.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFPhysiSpeedConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFMagicSpeedConstA) #
Character Defense Success Rate Settings
DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of defending the Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
Character Defense Success Rate PvP Settings
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/DWDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/DKDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/FEDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/MGDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/DLDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense.
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense.
SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP Summoner’s defense.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/SUDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of PvP defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (((PlayerLevel*RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstA)/RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstB)+(PlayerDexterity/RFDefenseSuccessRatePvPConstC)) #
Character Defense Settings
DWDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWDefenseConstA) #
DKDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKDefenseConstA) #
FEDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEDefenseConstA) #
MGDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula the defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGDefenseConstA) #
DLDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLDefenseConstA) #
SUDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUDefenseConstA) #
RFDefenseConstA -> Constant calculation formula of defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFDefenseConstA) #
Character Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DuelElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in duel.
GensElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Gens.
ChaosCastleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Chaos Castle.
IllusionTempleElementalDamageRate -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP Illusion Temple.
CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate1 -> elemental damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between different guilds players.
CastleSiegeElementalDamageRate2 -> elemental damage Percentage applied to the Castle Siege between players from the same guild.
GeneralElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvP.
GeneralElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage of total elemental damage that will be caused in PvE.
Character Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DWElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvP.
DKElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight in PvP.
FEElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvP.
MGElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator PvP.
DLElementalDamageRatePvP -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvP.
SUElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvP.
RFElementalDamageRatePvP -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvP.
DWElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Wizard in PvE.
DKElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Knight in PvE.
FEElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf in PvE.
MGElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator in PvE.
DLElementalDamageRatePvM -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord in PvE.
SUElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner in PvE.
RFElementalDamageRatePvM -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter in PvE.
Character Class X Class Elemental Damage Rate Settings
DWElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DWs.
DWElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DKs.
DWElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against AGs.
DWElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against MGs.
DWElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against DLs.
DWElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against SUs.
DWElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Dark Wizard against RFs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DWs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DKs.
DKElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against AGs.
DKElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against MGs.
DKElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against DLs.
DKElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against SUs.
DKElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Knight against RFs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DWs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DKs.
FEElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against AGs.
FEElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against MGs.
FEElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against DLs.
FEElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against SUs.
FEElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Fairy Elf against RFs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DWs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DKs.
MGElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against AGs.
MGElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against MGs.
MGElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against DLs.
MGElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against SUs.
MGElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Magic Gladiator against RFs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDW -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DWs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDK -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DKs.
DLElementalDamageRateToFE -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against AGs.
DLElementalDamageRateToMG -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against MGs.
DLElementalDamageRateToDL -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against DLs.
DLElementalDamageRateToSU -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against SUs.
DLElementalDamageRateToRF -> Percentage elemental damage caused by the Dark Lord against RFs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DWs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DKs.
SUElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against AGs.
SUElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against MGs.
SUElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against DLs.
SUElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against SUs.
SUElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Summoner against RFs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDW -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DWs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDK -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DKs.
RFElementalDamageRateToFE -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against AGs.
RFElementalDamageRateToMG -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against MGs.
RFElementalDamageRateToDL -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against DLs.
RFElementalDamageRateToSU -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against SUs.
RFElementalDamageRateToRF -> elemental damage caused by Percentage Rage Fighter against RFs.
Character Elemental Defense Settings
DWElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseConstA) #
DKElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseConstA) #
FEElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseConstA) #
MGElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseConstA) #
DLElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseConstA) #
SUElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseConstA) #
RFElementalDefenseConstA -> Constant formula calculating the elemental defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseConstA) #
Character Elemental Damage Settings
DWElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / DWElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
DKElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Knight.
DKElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerStrength / DKElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
FEElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
FEElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / FEElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
MGElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / MGElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / MGElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
DLElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
DLElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / DLElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerEnergy / DLElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
SUElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Summoner.
SUElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMinConstA) #
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SUElementalDamageMaxConstA) #
RFElementalDamageMinConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMinConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the minimum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMaxConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
RFElementalDamageMaxConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the maximum elemental damage Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMinConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMinConstB)) #
# FORMULA = ((PlayerStrength / RFElementalDamageMaxConstA) + (PlayerVitality / RFElementalDamageMaxConstB)) #
Character Elemental Attack Success Rate Settings
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/DWElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/DKElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/FEElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/MGElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/DLElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack the Summoner.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/SUElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental attack Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerLevel*RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstA)+(PlayerStrength/RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstB)+((PlayerDexterity*RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstC)/RFElementalAttackSuccessRateConstD)) #
Character Elemental Defense Success Rate Settings
DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Wizard.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DWElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Knight.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DKElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense Fairy Elf.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / FEElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Magic Gladiator.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / MGElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of the Dark Lord.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / DLElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Summoner.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / SUElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula for calculating the chance of elemental defense of Rage Fighter.
# FORMULA = (PlayerDexterity / RFElementalDefenseSuccessRateConstA) #
GameServerInfo – Skill.ini
Mana Shield Skill Settings
ManaShieldConstA -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldConstB -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldConstC -> Constant formula for damage reduction Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
ManaShieldRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
ManaShieldRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
ManaShieldRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
ManaShieldRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
ManaShieldRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
ManaShieldRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
ManaShieldTimeConstA -> duration of Formula constant in seconds Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldTimeConstB -> duration of Formula constant in seconds Mana Shield spell.
ManaShieldMaxRate -> Maximum amount of damage reduction of Mana Shield spell.
# FORMULA = (ManaShieldConstA + (PlayerDexterity / ManaShieldConstB) + (PlayerEnergy / gServerInfo.m_ManaShieldConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (ManaShieldTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ManaShieldTimeConstB)) #
Heal Skill Settings
HealConstA -> Constant formula recovery of life Heal spell.
HealConstB -> Constant formula recovery of life Heal spell.
# FORMULA = (HealConstA + (PlayerEnergy / HealConstB)) #
Greater Defense Skill Settings
GreaterDefenseConstA -> Constant formula of defense increased Greater Defense magic.
GreaterDefenseConstB -> Constant formula of defense increased Greater Defense magic.
GreaterDefenseRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterDefenseRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterDefenseRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterDefenseRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterDefenseRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterDefenseRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterDefenseRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterDefenseTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Defense magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseConstB)) #
Greater Damage Skill Settings
GreaterDamageConstA -> Constant formula increase of Greater Damage magic damage.
GreaterDamageConstB -> Constant formula increase of Greater Damage magic damage.
GreaterDamageRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterDamageRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterDamageRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterDamageRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterDamageRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterDamageRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterDamageRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterDamageTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Damage magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDamageConstB)) #
Summon Monster Skill Settings
SummonMonster1 -> monster number to be raised by Summon Goblin magic.
SummonMonster2 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Stone Golem.
SummonMonster3 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Assassin.
SummonMonster4 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Elite Yeti.
SummonMonster5 -> monster number to be raised by the Summon Dark Knight magic.
SummonMonster6 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Bali.
SummonMonster7 -> monster number to be raised by the Summon Soldier magic.
SummonMonster8 -> monster number to be invoked by the magic Summon Satyros.
Greater LifeSkill Settings
GreaterLifeConstA -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeConstB -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeConstC -> Constant formula of increased life of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
GreaterLifeRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
GreaterLifeRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
GreaterLifeRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
GreaterLifeRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
GreaterLifeRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
GreaterLifeRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
GreaterLifeTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Greater Life magic.
GreaterLifeMaxRate -> Maximum amount of increased Greater Life magic of life.
# FORMULA = (GreaterLifeConstA + (PlayerVitality / GreaterLifeConstB) + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterLifeConstC)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterLifeTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterLifeTimeConstB)) #
Fire Slash Skill Settings
FireSlashConstA -> Constant formula of defense reduction Slash Fire magic.
FireSlashConstB -> Constant formula of defense reduction Slash Fire magic.
FireSlashTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Fire Slash magic.
FireSlashMaxRate -> maximum reduction of defense of Fire Slash magic value.
# FORMULA = (FireSlashConstA + (PlayerEnergy / FireSlashConstB)) #
Greater Critical Damage Skill Settings
GreaterCriticalDamageConstA -> Constant formula of critical damage increased Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageConstB -> Constant formula of critical damage increased Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of Greater Critical Damage magic.
GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of Greater Critical Damage magic.
# FORMULA = ((PlayerEnergy / GreaterCriticalDamageConstA) + (PlayerLeadership / GreaterCriticalDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterCriticalDamageTimeConstB)) #
Stern Skill Settings
SternTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Stern magic.
Greater Mana Skill Settings
GreaterManaConstA -> magic mana increased Value Greater Mana.
GreaterManaTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Greater Mana magic.
Invisibility Skill Settings
InvisibilityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Invisibility spell.
Brand Skill Settings
BrandTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds Brand magic.
Infinity Arrow Skill Settings
InfinityArrowTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Infinity Arrow.
Magic Damage Immunity Skill Settings
MagicDamageImmunityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Magic Damage Immunity.
Physi Damage Immunity Skill Settings
PhysiDamageImmunityTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Physi Damage Immunity magic.
Drain Life Skill Settings
DrainLifeConstA -> Constant Formula Drain Life spell of recovery life.
DrainLifeConstB -> Constant Formula Drain Life spell of recovery life.
# FORMULA = (((* PlayerDamage DrainLifeConstA) / 100) + (PlayerEnergy / DrainLifeConstB)) #
Reflect Damage Skill Settings
ReflectDamageConstA -> Constant Formula Reflect Damage magic of damage reflection.
ReflectDamageConstB -> Constant Formula Reflect Damage magic of damage reflection.
ReflectDamageRateDW -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DWs.
ReflectDamageRateDK -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to DKs.
ReflectDamageRateFE -> Percentage of effect that will apply to AGs.
ReflectDamageRateMG -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to MGs.
ReflectDamageRateDL -> Percentage of effect that will apply to DLs.
ReflectDamageRateSU -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to SUs.
ReflectDamageRateRF -> Percentage of effect that will be applied to RFs.
ReflectDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds Reflect Damage spell.
ReflectDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds Reflect Damage spell.
ReflectDamageMaxRate -> Maximum amount of reflection Reflect Damage spell damage.
# FORMULA = (ReflectDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ReflectDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (ReflectDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ReflectDamageTimeConstB)) #
Power Sword Skill Settings
SwordPowerConstA -> Constant formula of increasing damage and speed of the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerConstB -> Constant formula of reduction of life and defense of the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerTimeConstA -> Constant length of the formula in seconds the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerTimeConstB -> Constant length of the formula in seconds the Power Sword magic.
SwordPowerMaxRate -> Value Maximum Power Sword magic damage increased.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerConstA) #
# FORMULA = (40- (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (SwordPowerTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SwordPowerTimeConstB)) #
Skill Sleep Settings
SleepConstA -> Constant Formula chance to Sleep magic hit.
SleepConstB -> Constant Formula chance to Sleep magic hit.
SleepTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds from Sleep magic.
SleepTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds from Sleep magic.
SleepMaxTime -> Duration in Maximum Sleep magic seconds.
# FORMULA = (SleepConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SleepConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (SleepTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / SleepTimeConstB)) #
Lesser Defense Skill Settings
LesserDefenseConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstC -> Constant formula of defense reduction Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseConstD -> Constant formula of defense reduction Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of the Lesser Defense magic.
LesserDefenseMaxRate -> Maximum Value defense reduction of Lesser Defense magic.
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseConstC + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseConstD)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDefenseTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDefenseTimeConstB)) #
Lesser Skill Damage Settings
LesserDamageConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstC -> Constant formula for damage reduction of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageConstD -> Constant formula for damage reduction of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of magic Lesser Damage.
LesserDamageMaxRate -> Maximum amount of reduction Lesser Damage magic damage.
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageConstC + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageConstD)) #
# FORMULA = (LesserDamageTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / LesserDamageTimeConstB)) #
Sahamutt Skill Settings
SahamuttConstA -> Percentage of damage that will be periodic in Sahamutt magic.
Neil Skill Settings
NeilConstA -> Percentage of damage that will be periodic in magic Neil.
Magic Circle Skill Settings
MagicCircleConstA -> Percentage of increase in the minimum damage of the Magic Circle magic.
MagicCircleTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Magic Circle magic.
Recover Shield Skill Settings
ShieldRecoverConstA -> Constant formula shell Recovery Magic Shield Recover.
ShieldRecoverConstB -> Constant formula shell Recovery Magic Shield Recover.
# FORMULA = (ShieldRecoverConstA + (PlayerEnergy / ShieldRecoverConstB)) #
Dragon Slayer Skill Settings
DragonSlayerConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstC -> Constant formula SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerConstD -> Constant formula SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
DragonSlayerMaxRate -> Value Maximum SD reduction percentage of Dragon Slayer magic.
# FORMULA = (DragonSlayerConstA + (PlayerEnergy / DragonSlayerConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (DragonSlayerConstC + (PlayerEnergy / DragonSlayerConstD)) #
Greater Ignore Defense Skill Rate Settings
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstA -> Constant Formula chance to ignore the defense of magic Greater Ignore Defense Rate.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstB -> Constant formula change to ignore defense magic Greater Ignore Defense Rate.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstA -> Constant length formula in seconds the Greater Ignore Defense Rate magic.
GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstB -> Constant length formula in seconds the Greater Ignore Defense Rate magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterIgnoreDefenseRateTimeConstB)) #
Fitness Skill Settings
FitnessConstA -> Constant formula of increased vitality of Fitness Magic.
FitnessConstB -> Constant formula of increased vitality of Fitness Magic.
FitnessTimeConstA -> Constant formula length in seconds of Fitness Magic.
FitnessTimeConstB -> Constant formula length in seconds of Fitness Magic.
# FORMULA = (FitnessConstA + (PlayerEnergy / FitnessConstB)) #
Greater Defense Success Rate Skill Settings
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstA -> Constant formula increased chance of defending Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstB -> Constant formula increased chance of defending Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstA -> Constant length formula in seconds of Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstB -> Constant length formula in seconds of Greater Defense Success Rate magic.
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseSuccessRateConstB)) #
# FORMULA = (GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstA + (PlayerEnergy / GreaterDefenseSuccessRateTimeConstB)) #
Party Heal Skill Settings
PartyHealConstA -> Constant formula recovery of life the magic Heal Party.
PartyHealConstB -> Constant formula recovery of life the magic Heal Party.
# FORMULA = (PartyHealConstA + (PlayerEnergy / PartyHealConstB)) #
Bless Skill Settings
BlessConstA -> Constant formula increasing points of the Bless spell.
BlessTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Bless spell.
# FORMULA = (PlayerEnergy / BlessConstA) #
Blind Skill Settings
BlindConstA -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Blind spell.
BlindConstB -> Constant Formula chance to hit the Blind spell.
BlindConstC -> Percentage of reducing chance to hit by an attack from the Blind spell.
BlindTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of the Blind spell.
# FORMULA = (BlindConstA + (PlayerEnergy / BlindConstB)) #
Earth Prison Skill Settings
EarthPrisonConstA -> Chance to paralyze the Earth Prison magic.
Iron Defense Skill Settings
IronDefenseConstA -> Life Quantity added by the magic Iron Defense.
IronDefenseConstB -> defense Quantity added by the magic Iron Defense.
IronDefenseTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of Iron Defense magic.
Blood Howling Skill Settings
BloodHowlingConstA -> Chance to hit the magic Howling Blood.
BloodHowlingConstB -> periodic damage caused by magic Howling Blood.
BloodHowlingTimeConstA -> Duration in seconds of magic Howling Blood.
GameServerInfo – Event.ini
; Time Marlon Telepor
TimerMarlonTeleport = 300
; Blood Castle Event Settings
BloodCastleEvent = 1
BloodCastleMaxUser = 10
; Bonus Manager Settings
BonusManagerSwitch = 1
; Castle Deep Event Settings
CastleDeepEvent = 0
CastleDeepEventTime = 30
; Castle Siege Event Settings
CastleSiegeEvent = 0
CastleSiegeCycleStartYear =0
CastleSiegeCycleStartMonth =0
CastleSiegeCycleStartDay =0
CastleSiegeSpecificState =0
CastleSiegeStateStartYear =0
CastleSiegeStateStartMonth =0
CastleSiegeStateStartDay =0
CastleSiegeStateStartHour =0
CastleSiegeStateStartMinute =0
CastleSiegeOffensiveWeaponDamage = 300
CastleSiegeDefensiveWeaponDamage = 200
CastleSiegeLowerAccumulatedTimeValue = 0
CastleSiegeDecayAccumulatedTimeValue = 0
; Chaos Castle Event Settings
ChaosCastleEvent = 1
ChaosCastleMinUser = 1
ChaosCastleBlowUserRate = 50
; Crywolf Event Settings
CrywolfEvent = 0
CrywolfBenefitSwitch = 1
CrywolfBenefitChaosRate = 10
CrywolfBenefitMonsterLife = 80
CrywolfPenaltySwitch = 0
CrywolfPenaltyJewelDrop = 70
CrywolfPenaltyExperience = 70
; Devil Square Event Settings
DevilSquareEvent = 1
DevilSquareMaxUser = 15
; Double Goer Event Settings
DoubleGoerEvent = 1
DoubleGoerDifficultRate = 100
; Illusion Temple Event Settings
IllusionTempleEvent = 1
IllusionTempleMinUser = 1
IllusionTempleRewardFenrirRate = 5
; Imperial Guardian Event Settings
ImperialGuardianEvent = 1
ImperialGuardianDifficultRate = 100
; Invasion Manager Settings
InvasionManagerSwitch = 1
FlyingDragonsSwitch = 1
FlyingDragonsKillBossSwitch = 1
; Kanturu Event Settings
KanturuEvent = 1
; Moss Merchant Event Settings
MossMerchantEvent = 0
MossMerchantEventTime = 220
; CTC Mini
EnableCTCmini = 1
MapCTC = 30
ToaDoX = 176
ToaDoY = 216
ThanhVienGuildToiThieu = 1
; Raklion Event Settings
RaklionEvent = 1
; Quickly Event (Veloz – Premium)
QuicklyEvent = 1
; Event Start (Iniciar evento – Premium)
EventStartSwitch = 1
EventStartTime = 15
; Event Hide and Seek (Esconde-Esconde – Premium)
EventHideAndSeekSwitch = 1
EventHideAndSeekMaxTime= 5
; Event Run And Catch (Pega-Pega – Premium)
EventRunAndCatchSwitch = 1
EventRunAndCatchTimeToEnter = 10
EventRunAndCatchMaxTime= 10
; Event Russian Roulette (Roleta Russa)
EventRussianRouletteSwitch = 1
EventRussianRouletteTimeToEnter = 10
EventRussianRouletteMaxTime = 10
EventRussianRouletteMaxPlayer = 8
; Event PvP (1×1)
EventPvPSwitch = 1
EventPvPMaxScore = 3
EventPvPMaxTime= 3
EventPvPAutoReward1 = 0
EventPvPAutoReward2 = 0
EventPvPAutoReward3 = 100
; Event Kill All (Mata-Mata Geral)
EventKillAllSwitch = 1
EventKillAllTimeToEnter = 20
EventKillAllDeadDecrease = 1
EventKillAllKillIncrease = 2
EventKillAllMaxScore = 20
EventKillAllMinPlayers = 2
EventKillAllMaxPlayers = 20
EventKillAllMaxTime= 2
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank1 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank2 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward1Rank3 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank1 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank2 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward2Rank3 = 0
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank1 = 100
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank2 = 50
EventKillAllAutoReward3Rank3 = 30
; Event Team vs Team
EventTvtSwitch = 1
EventTvtNpc = 380
EventTvtNpcMap = 0
EventTvtNpcX = 130
EventTvtNpcY = 121
EventTvtMinUsers = 2
EventTvtMaxUsers = 20
Video hướng dẫn InvasionManager:
Hướng dẫn làm Admin MU Online Bài 12: Chỉnh sửa và tạo thêm Event trong game
Giới thiệu:
File “Mapmanager.xml” giúp admin chỉnh sửa những chỉ số đặc biệt của từng map.
Giới thiệu:
File “ItemDrop.xml” có thể quản lý đồ rơi trong game khi đánh quái.
Hướng dẫn file “ItemDrop.xml”
- Index
Số Item ID được tạo ra từ “Item.txt” theo công thức:
Index = (Section*512)+Type - Level
Cấp độ của item - Grade
Cố định dòng hoàn hảo của Item - Option0~6
Index của option lấy từ “ItemOptionRate.txt”. Đặt là -1 nếu khống sử dụng. - Duration
Mặc định = 0 - MapNumber
ID map sẽ drop đồ - MonsterClass
Quái vật sẽ drop đồ - MonsterLevelMin
Level thấp nhất của quái - MonsterLevelMax
Level cao nhất của quái - DropRate
Tỉ lệ drop đồ (x/1000000)
-1 = Rate lớn nhất
Video: Hướng dẫn làm Admin MU Online Bài 10: Chỉnh sửa tỉ lệ rơi đồ khi đánh quái
Set tài khoản VIP
Để set VIP cho tài khoản, bạn chạy query cho MuOnline database:
UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET AccountLevel = 1, AccountExpireDate = GETDATE() + 30 WHERE memb___id = 'LOGIN'
Ghi chú:
1 – Account Level (AL0, AL1, AL2, AL3)
30 – VIP Days
LOGIN – Account Login
Cài đặt thời gian
Reloading File and Settings
Cấu hình Công Thành Chiến
Tạo SubServer
Video: Hướng dẫn tạo thêm Sub, nhiều Sub dùng chung Data
Kết luận
Trên đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết các file trong game MU online. Bạn hãy đọc hướng dẫn từng file để quản trị server Mu tốt nhé. Chúc các bạn thành công!